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ALLOcloud: nominated for Trends Gazelles 2019!

Trends Gazelles 2019_ALLOcloud

The year 2019 begins extremely well for ALLOcloud! Indeed, we have just been nominated for the Trends Gazelles 2019. The Trends Gazelles reward: "companies that positively influence the investment climate of their region.The "gazelles" are always innovative companies, true creators of jobs and models for other companies ".

ALLOcloud will therefore be invited to the Trends Gazelles 2019 awards ceremony for the province of Brabant Walloon on February 6, 2019.


The Trends Gazelles & ALLOcloud

Since 18 years, the editorials of Trends and Trends tendance makes a selection of companies which are a source of energy for our economy and an inspiration for any entrepreneur in Belgium on a yearly basis.

During the previous years, ALLOcloud already had the honor of being selected among the Trends Gazelles. In 2017, we finished 12th and in 2018 ALLOcloud won the 11th place.

We are delighted to announce that we are nominated again, and look forward to discover the results for 2019!
